So.... I'm finished. I'm horribly tired again. As if what's been building up has suddenly slapped me with a sledgehammer. I'm at a loss for really what to say and my brain throbs as I try to compile the totals.
I made 12 blog entries prior to the competition ending. Each entry starting with a blurb announcing the book and being edited when I finished the book to include a small portion of my thoughts about the book.
I also made infrequent updates to twitter, not sure whether to consider those networking or blogging, however, they were made only a few times in the middle of a book, mostly when I finished a book I posted that I'd finished it and that I was moving on.
All in all, I logged 61 minutes blog/networking. They were merely hiccups in my reading meant to assure people I was still alive and still reading. I'm kinda upset that it added up to that much time, even though it counts for the contest, it -does- mean if I want to be truly honest with myself about reading for 48 hours straight, after this post I have to go back to a book for another hour.
I have to say thanks again to the people commenting, the people congratulating, and so on. Also have to give thanks to my wife once again for putting up with all this silliness and making it possible for me to devote every waking minute to it and tolerating it well.
So. Totals!
Blogging/Networking: 1 hour 1 minute
Reading: 46 hours 59 minutes
Breaks: 0
Snacks: 12 granola bars, 2 apples.
Drinks: 14 bottles of water were sacrificed.
Pages Read: 3374 :: 1.52 pages per minute.
Final thoughts.
I went into this because I felt like I had the time to spend and I generally don't do a whole lot better with my time. I didn't imagine that it would actually exhaust me to the point it did. I've been up for many a 48+ hour stretch due to back pain and insomnia, so I didn't think reading would add too much to the normal fatigue. I was dead wrong. If I ever participate again, I don't think I'll aim for a 48 hour solid stretch.